Global Copies Sold:

Pokemon Red/Pokemon Blue

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Nintendo Video Game Sales and Ratings

Video game sales data from VGChartz with corresponding ratings from Metacritic

This data set contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies along with critic and user ratings. It is a combined web scrape from VGChartz and Metacritic along with manually entered year of release values for most games with a missing year of release. The original coding was created by Rush Kirubi and can be found here, but it limited the data to only include a subset of video game platforms. Not all of the listed video games have information on Metacritic, so there data set does have missing values.

Source Found Here

How To Play

Your mission is to travel the galaxy and collect the data needed to find the top 5 selling Nintendo games. After each alien hit, you will recieve data populated within one of the four columns on the top of the screen. After defeating all aliens, the ranking game name will be presented along with the ability to advance to the next level.

Good Luck Galaxy Fighter!

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# Name Platform Year Genre Global Copy Sales
1 Wii Sports Wii 2006 Sports 82.74 Mill
2 Super Mario Bros. NES 1985 Platform 40.24 Mill
3 Mario Kart Wii Wii 2008 Racing 35.82 Mill
4 Wii Sports Resorts Wii 2009 Sports 33 Mill
5 Pokemon Red/Pokemon Blue Game Boy 1996 Role-Playing 31.37 Mill
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